Go for the art (read: the anything) that makes you move and stops you in your tracks all at once 🤑 Willem de Kooning, Woman IV, 1952-53, oil, enamel, and charcoal on canvas have always+forever looovved this work. #abexforever #abex #nelsonatkins #atthemuseum #dekooning #willemdekooning #womaniv #womanseries #abstractart #abstractexpressionism #makeartnotwar #buyartnotdrugs

Go for the art (read: the anything) that makes you move and stops you in your tracks all at once 🤑 Willem de Kooning, Woman IV, 1952-53, oil, enamel, and charcoal on canvas  have always+forever looovved this work. #abexforever #abex #nelsonatkins #atthemuseum #dekooning  #willemdekooning #womaniv #womanseries #abstractart #abstractexpressionism #makeartnotwar #buyartnotdrugs