You know when you see a work of art and it just takes you outside your body for a few minutes/days/years…? ((Ooh damn i feel blessed being able to work where i do.))It was really hard to get a good picture of these, and i was too captivated by their ethereal wonder-inspiring nature to remember to snap a pic of the wall text to credit the artist… (but I'll do that when im back on tuesday…) but i mean… 🥀🧜🏻‍♀️ man these were my favourite works in the show for sure. They looked like dried flowers to me at first. But then walking along their path looking up through light rippling down just made me feel like a little seahorse or something bobbing along looking at these beautiful strange floating things….🥀🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️ #artgalleryofhamilton #aghexhibition #origami #unfolding #newexpressionsinorigami #artgallery #art #canadianart #internationalart #3dimensionalwork #threedimensional #sculpture #papersculpture #hamont #hamilton #hamiltonontario #canada

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