Home | Blog | Instagram | Makin #bodyshapes ️️ Had a really nice unexpected flow tonight ️ tried the knee balance thing from a few posts ago and couldn't hold it but still felt so good flowing through it and everything else and listening to that irish devil of an angel #damienrice also feeling super proud of the third vid 😎🦄 don't know the name of the pose (lotus legs and lift your body up – knees and shins pressing against forearms). #hamont #hamontyoga #hamiltonontario #homepractice #yogafam #yogagirl #fitfam #stayfit #staybendy #fluid #movement #tuesday #onmymat #prana #vinyasa #self #sundialpose #pigeonpose #childspose #crescentlunge #warriortwo #virabhadrasana #sidebody #shoulders #hamstrings