Sunday sunkissed session ️ Feeling a bit smoother and stronger last few flows there can be such freedom in movement ️️ i'm definitely gonna be a granny who takes up tai chi 😎🤙🏼#hamont #theartofslowmoving #theartofslowliving #namaste #yoga #yogagirl #yogaflow #vinyasa #homepractice #sunsalutation #sideplank #sideangle #updog #downdog #hamstrings #backbend #crescentlunge #yogaeverydamnday

Sunday sunkissed session ️ Feeling a bit smoother and stronger last few flows  there can be such freedom in movement ️️ i'm definitely gonna be a granny who takes up tai chi 😎🤙🏼#hamont #theartofslowmoving #theartofslowliving #namaste #yoga #yogagirl #yogaflow #vinyasa #homepractice #sunsalutation #sideplank #sideangle #updog #downdog #hamstrings #backbend #crescentlunge #yogaeverydamnday