Home | Blog | Instagram | I'm not someone who has ever naturally expressed herself through articulated goals… (some of your may not understand that or see it as irresponsible or #whathaveyou, but…) the existentialist and spiritually minded me has always been more concerned and engaged with my way of *being* i be. i am. BUT ONE GOAL I DO KNOW I HAVE IS TO GET MY FOREARMS TO THE GROUND IN RAGDOLL!! I find suuuch comfy goodness and awe in this pose, especially with how deep the exhales can be here. I feel so connected to the earth and my full body like this… i think i can get there #day2 #uttanasana #forwardfold #ragdoll #parighasana #gatepose #gatewaypose #30dayyogaliving @kinoyoga @omstarsofficial @michellearielck @melmoo_3